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Services Provided

The three main services that Designia provide are:

Web-site design

Designia employees are highly motivated and trained in many areas of web development and design. Our combined knowledge base includes:

  • HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) coding
  • Dreamweaver web page design
  • Flash presentations
  • Fireworks design production
  • Database creation and structures
  • CGI scripting
  • ISP's (Internet Service Providers) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

To provide a quality web-site design service, experienced knowledge in the above subjects is essential.

Logo design

We are able to provide a fresh approach to logo generation for your company. This logo might only be specific to your web-site, or could also be used in many areas of the business.

Web page hosting packages

Designia has teamed up with Business Serve plc, one of the largest service providers in the UK to provide the best value for money ISP subscriptions available to your company. We do the searches for prime ISP's so that you can relax, safe in the knowledge that your money is being well invested.

Not all ISP packages are suitable for all companies. A large number of factors have to be considered, and Designia looks for ISP's that match your business requirements.

We can also provide information on setting up e-mail accounts with your domain name (i.e

For details on pricing or any general website queries, please send an e-mail enquiry to

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